Service Work

District 43 Job Descriptions & Procedures Manual

Read the most recent District Business Meeting Minutes.

2025 General Service Conference Agenda Items

 Interested in District 43 service work? Please use this business meeting link to attend the District 43 business meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00 pm on zoom,  or contact us using this form:


Below are individual job descriptions:

District Committee Member (D.C.M.)

The District Committee Member (D.C.M.) is elected every two (2) years. Five years of sobriety is recommended. The D.C.M. carries the collective conscience of the Groups to the Area Committee. The D.C.M. is the key link between the Groups, the District, the Area, and General Service Office (G.S.O.).

1. The D.C.M. holds regular meetings of the G.S.R.s in District 43. District 43 holds 12 of these meetings on a monthly basis.

2. The D.C.M. and alt. D.C.M are elected in November of every odd year for the next 2 years (e.g. in Nov. of 2021, the next DCM and Alt. DCM will be elected for 2022-2024).

3. The D.C.M. assists the Area Chair, Delegate, and Registrar of Area 20 in obtaining Group Information (changes, deletions, and new Groups), utilizing the efforts of the Local Committee Member (L.C.M.) and Secretary – assure the accuracy of the Directory Listing in the District 43 and thus Area 20 and G.S.O.

4. The D.C.M. keeps the G.S.R. informed about all Area 20 and G.S.O. activities and business.

5. The D.C.M. acquaints the G.S.R.s with the Area 20 Service Manual and the G.S.O.Service Manual.

6. The D.C.M. stands ready to hold sharing workshops about any service subject.

7. The D.C.M. attends all Area 20 Assemblies, Committee Meetings, and Workshops.

8. The D.C.M. makes every attempt to visit(attend) every meeting(Group) in District 43 during his/her two (2) year rotation and will rely on LCM’s to attend meetings in his/her place.

9. The D.C.M. stands ready to accept requests from Area 20 to join an Area Committee or Chair.

G.S.R. General Service Representative

The G.S.R. is responsible for linking one’s Home Group with the whole of A.A. The G.S.R. is asked to serve a two-year term (rotation). A group will also typically have an Alternate G.S.R. to help the G.S.R. Having an Alternate is of great assistance in the G.S.R.’s work. The G.S.R. will be asked to keep one’s Home Group informed of all District and Area activities and information along with “passing on” the information incoming from General Service Office (G.S.O.).

1. The G.S.R.’s attendance at the12 G.S.R./DistrictMeetings held once a month is required.

2. The G.S.R. is encouraged to attend as many District events as possible. District 43 holds its monthly meeting on the 3rd Wenesday of each month at 7:00 pm (exceptions for conflicting holidays).

3. The G.S.R.’s attendance at the four (4) Area (Northern Illinois Area – N.I.A.) Assemblies throughout the calendar year is strongly suggested and indeed a part of the G.S.R.’s responsibility.

4. Generally, GSR’s are elected at the end of the year so that they can begin their term in January, although this is up to each group to decide.

If the G.S.R. does not have copies of the A.A. Service Manual from G.S.O. and the Northern Illinois Service Manual, please procure one each A.S.A.P. See the D.C.M. or the Secretary. The G.S.R. is the heart of the group conscience of Alcoholics Anonymous. Two years of sobriety and having worked the 12 steps is recommended. Being a G.S.R. for more than one Group at a time is not recommended. The G.S.R. will receive a G.S.R. Kit and the bi-monthly “Box 459” Newsletter from G.S.O. – New York.



One year (1) of sobriety is recommended for this position.

1. The Secretary takes the minutes of the Monthly General Service Representative (G.S.R.) District meeting.

2. The Secretary prepares and distributes the minutes of the prior Meeting before the next Meeting by email or hardcopy. The Secretary prepares hard copies and brings them to the ensuing G.S.R./District meeting.

3. The Secretary or DCM makes the motion to accept the minutes as presented or offer corrections; asks for a second and a vote to accept.

4. The Secretary prepares the Meeting agenda, working with Committee Chairs, the District Committee Member (D.C.M.) and Alternate D.C.M. The Secretary sends out the agenda by email prior to the meeting and brings hard copies to the meeting.

5. The Secretary accepts the emailed monthly reports from the D.C.M.s and Committee Members, as well as those recorded in the minutes.

6. The Secretary accepts and distributes any messages or information from the D.C.M., Committee, Area, or General Service Office (G.S.O.) between meetings.

7. The Secretary maintains a current District 43 Committee Roster and Group(Meetings) list, and upon approval of the DCM sends changes, deletions and additions to the Area 20 Registrar (who will forward it to the FNV G.S.O.) and the Du Page Directory Editor. Note: it is acknowledged that this work is dependent on the cooperation of the Groups and collaborates with the Local Committee Member (L.C.M.) who will provide assistance as needed.

8. The Secretary checks the District 43 website from time to time and informs the DCM and Webmaster about the accuracy of information.

9. The Secretary accepts Workshop flyers(sent by email)from the Workshop Chair or Hosting Group and distributes them to ALL G.S.R.s, District 43, and Area 20 Webmaster. The Secretary generally runs 50 hard copies of these flyers and brings them to the District meeting.

10. The Secretary attends as many Area 20 Assemblies possible.

11.The Secretary gets to know the Area 20 Secretary and Registrar.


The Treasurer serves a two year term (rotation). Two to three years of sobriety are recommended.

1. The Treasurer keeps financial records of the District, and stores the previous Treasurer’s notes, reports, records, etc.

2. The Treasurer keeps the District 43 Bank Account(s) and checkbook(s) current and accurate.

3. The Treasurer records all Group Donations and Committee expenses and maintains a file of all receipts for committee expenses as well as provides donation receipts back to the individual group.

4. The Treasurer visits the District 43 Mailbox at the Naperville Post Office regularly to pick up Group Donations, mail, et al. The key is passed from Treasurer to Treasurer. If a key should be lost, please see the post office which houses the District 43 mailbox.

5. The Treasurer presents a monthly Financial report at the General Service Representative (G.S.R.)/District Meeting, is prepared to answer questions, and accepts corrections. The Treasurer or DCM makes the motion to accept the report and calls for a second and a vote. The Treasurer prepares the yearly District Budget working with the District Committee Member (D.C.M.) and/or Alternate D.C.M.

6. The Treasurer pays the bills of the District (newsletter printing, rent, telephone bill, reimbursements to Committee Members for their expenses, yearly donation to the Area 20, et al.).

7. The Treasurer is responsible for making sure all applicable state and federal tax laws and procedures are being followed.

8. Maintains the District in good standing with all legal requirements for incorporation.

9. Retain a confidential file of all account and PIN numbers for Bank, ATM and phone accounts.

Groupvine Editor

The Groupvine Editor should have at least 3 years of sobriety, worked the 12 Steps and have an understanding of our 12 Traditions.

1. The “Groupvine” Editor must possess a computer with word processing sofware . Suggested software would be “Word” for Windows OR “Pages” for the Mac.

2. The “Groupvine” Editor must have a sound working knowledge of the A.A. program and the 12 Traditions so the articles may be properly written, and or, edited for appropriate content.

3. The “Groupvine” Editor is responsible to get the finished work on the newsletter to the printer at least 10 business days before the date of distribution so that the printer can properly schedule the work and have the newsletter ready for pickup.

4. The “Groupvine” Editor or assistants picks up the newsletter and brings it to the District meeting for distribution.

5. Creative and artistic control over the newsletter is the sole province of the Editor. Artwork, graphics, and the like may be used at the discretion of the “Groupvine” Editor.

6. Previous journalism experience is not necessary, only a willingness to carry the message.

7. The “Groupvine” Newsletter belongs to all members of District 43; so therefore it must attempt to enlighten, entertain, educate, and inform the members of the District in an honest straight forward manner.

8. It usually takes about 2 hours per week. For each issue, the work typically adds up to about 8 hours. Please note that issues are currently MONTHLY with a color issue being posted by our webmaster. 500 black and white copies printed on color paper are brought to the Dist. 43 monthly meeting for distribution of GSR’s. Extra copies are left at the WSFC to accommodate those meetings without GSR’s.

Public Information and Cooperation with the Professional Community (P.I. C.P.C.)

The Public Information (P.I.) and The Cooperation with the Professional Community (C.P.C.) Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, be familiar with AA s 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts and be comfortable with public speaking and making presentations. The P.I. and C.P.C. committees are two separate committees which have been combined at the district level in District 43. Although currently combined, each committee serves a different audience – the general public (P.I.) and professionals in our community (C.P.C.). There may be incidences where it makes sense to separate these committees.

1.The P.I. Chair and Alternate Chair engage in activities which carry the message of recovery to the still suffering alcoholic by informing the general public about the A.A. program as outlined in the G.S.O. Handbook. The P.I. Chair and Alternate Chair target efforts towards libraries, senior centers, health and wellness centers, hotels, newspapers and other media sources, etc.

2.The C.P.C. Chair and Alternate Chair engage in activities to carry the A.A. message to the professional community as outlined in the G.S.O. Handbook. The C.P.C. Chair and Alternate Chair target efforts towards professionals such as doctors and nurses, lawyers, teachers, therapists, clergy, police and fire departments, etc.

3.The P.I./C.P.C. Chair and Alternate Chair distribute literature and make face- to-face contact with members of the community, as outlined above, to let them know more about A.A. and the services that can be provided. In addition, mailings to professionals may be done by the committee.

4.The Chairperson and Alternate Chairperson are encouraged to study the 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts as a guide in talking to non-AA members about AA 5. Literature purchases and display materials are to be cleared through the District prior to being made. 6.All generic and committee specific GSO guidelines are to be followed.

Correctional Facilities

The Correctional Facilities (C.F.) Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, and currently be sponsored and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The C.F. Chair recruits, trains, and motivates volunteers, and plans activities for volunteers to carry the A.A. message into jails and other correctional facilities.

2. The C.F. Chair is encouraged to follow the G.S.O. Handbook and be very aware of the12 Traditions.

3. The C.F. Chair must be able to pass the background check at the jails, no felony arrests in the last 5 years.

4. Literature purchases must be cleared through the District prior to being made as part of the budget and also have to be approved by the facility as being “safe” to bring into the jail.

5. The C.F. Chair coordinates activities with other C.F. Chairpersons from other Districts in the area such as District 40, District 41, and District 42.

6. The C.F. Chair coordinates with the Area 20 Corrections Chair.

Grapevine Chair

The Grapevine Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The Grapevine Chair recruits, trains, and motivates volunteers to go to meetings and carry the message of the Grapevine.

2. The G.S.O. has guidelines for these volunteers to follow, as well as subscription forms and the like to allow more people to enjoy the Grapevine.

3. The time required for this work would be approximately 1 hour per month, not including time spent at District business meetings.

4. An on-going project of making a re usable Poster for Display should be in process.

Bridging the Gap

Bridging the Gap (B.T.G.) JOB DESCRIPTION It is suggested that the temporary contact take the newcomer to a variety of A.A. meetings; introduce him or her to other A.A.s; insure that he or she has the phone numbers of several A.A. members, and share the experience of sponsorship and a home group.

Temporary Contact guidelines

• Keep in mind that this is basic Twelfth Step work.

• Experience suggests that it is best to be accompanied by another A.A. member when meeting a newcomer. One of the two temporary contacts should have at least a year of sobriety.

• Experience also suggests that men work with men and women work with women. • The intent is to provide the newcomer with your help for a limited time. You need not have experience with treatment settings. Your qualifications are experience as an alcoholic and recovery in A.A.

• It may be helpful for you as a temporary contact to attend workshops on bridging the gap and attend meetings of your area’s hospital and/or treatment committees.

• Remember, the goal of both A.A. and the treatment settings is the same — the recovery of the alcoholic.

• Be familiar with the paper “Information on Alcoholics Anonymous,” particularly the section on what A.A. does and does not do.

• In all contacts or activities with treatment settings, it is extremely important to be punctual and to look your best.

Try to do the following:

• Make contact with the newcomer while he or she is still in treatment. To avoid any misunderstandings, explain clearly that this is a temporary arrangement.

• Review the many different meeting formats — cover the difference between open and closed A.A. meetings and accompany the newcomer to a variety of meetings. Give the newcomer an A.A. meeting schedule.

• Introduce the newcomer to A.A. Conference-approved books (particularly the Big Book), pamphlets and AA Grapevine.

• Explain group membership and the value of having a home group.

• Explain sponsorship to the newcomer, referring to the pamphlet “Questions and Answers on Sponsorship,” and perhaps help the newcomer find a sponsor.

Local Committee Member (L.C.M.)

The Local Committee Member (L.C.M.) Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The L.C.M. Chair recruits, trains, and motivates volunteers to carry the message of the District and its available services to those meetings and groups that do not have a G.S.R. The L.C.M. Chair also assists those groups and meetings that want to become autonomous to do so. Please know that it is not the intent for the L.C.M. and volunteers to become the G.S.R.’s for those meeting. Rather it may be suggested how the group can get connected to A.A. as a whole by having their own G.S.R. If no group member would like to be G.S.R., it may be suggested that the group elect a main contact.

2. The L.C.M. Chair directs the activities and schedules visitations of volunteers to visit all meetings in the District and offer the services of the District.

3. The Groupvine newsletters may be distributed at these non-participating meetings as a means of being permitted to make a short announcement regarding the District.

4. Wherever possible, the L.C.M. Chair should seek out the group’s secretary, treasurer, or other officer; so that the volunteer may attend and address the next steering committee meeting, if any, and explore getting the group connected and active in A.A.

5. Time required for this service work is approximately 2 hours per week, which includes time spent at new A.A. meetings, making announcements.

6. It is suggested that the L.C.M. Chair keep DuPage and open meeting directories and current event flyers, the hardcopy of the group information forms, and pamphlets on “The A.A. Group….Where It All Begins” and “G.S.R…” on hand. Also, it may be helpful to continue to be educated on the bigger picture of how A.A. works and stay current on Area Assembly motions.

Accessibilities Committee Chair

The Accessibilities Committee Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The Accessibilities Chair maintains the corps of volunteers to bring A.A. meetings into any facility where requested.

2. The Accessibilities Chair maintains the list of volunteers offering rides to those who are handicapped to meetings and A.A. events only.

3. The Accessibilities Chair works with the C.P.C.,P.I.,and the Answering Service Committees closely.

4. The Accessibilities Chair maintains a supply of pamphlets, as well as the Conferenced approved books and literature, working with the P.I., C.P.C., and Literature Chairs in both English and Spanish.

5. The Accessibilities Chair maintains a library of special A.A. literature, D.V.D.s, andC.D.s for those who are hearing and visually impaired. Note: the use of A.A.W.S. Braille literature such as the Big Book and 12&12 is becoming less needed or requested for; so, keep a reasonable supply of C.D.s and P.S.A.s on hand.

6. The Accessibilities Chair maintains the contact with District 43 interpreters of American Sign Language and Spanish and makes their contact information known to groups.

Treatment Facilities Committee (T.F.C.) Chair

The Treatment Facilities Committee (T.F.C.) Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The T.F.C. Chair recruits, trains, motivates, and plans ways for volunteers to become active in carrying the A.A. message into treatment facilities through meetings, speakers, and literature distribution.

2. The T.F.C. Chair follows the guidelines published by G.S.O. for the Treatment Facilities Committee and educates volunteers on how A.A. cooperates but does not affiliate with treatment facilities.

3. The T.F.C. Chair reactivates the Temporary Contact Program to help newcomers coming out of treatment to find their way to meetings.

4. The T.F.C. Chair works with other T.F.C. Chairs and helps coordinate efforts of all 4 Districts in helping newcomers.

5. New meetings for treatment facilities should be set up in cooperation with the institutions in the District.

6. All existing A.A. meetings being held currently in those institutions are to be evaluated for correctness and staffing. The G.S.O. T.F.C. Handbook is to be the guide for all T.F.C. efforts and each T.F.C. meeting; for which they are handled and run according to the 12 Traditions so as not to damage the effectiveness of A.A.

7. The goal is to have all A.A. meetings that are held in treatment facilities conform to A.A. guidelines; so that the message to the newcomer is as clear and concise as possible.

8. The T.F.C. Chair and Alternate Chair are to personally visit each facility, explain the District’s services to them, and seek ways for the District to be of service, as well explaining the 12 Traditions and what A.A. can and cannot do.

9. Volunteers of this committee should have at least 1 year of sobriety and have a Sponsor who approves of their volunteering.

10. The time required for this position is approximately 2 hours per week.

Twelve Step Answering Service

The Twelve Step Answering Service (T.S.A.C.) Chair and Alternate should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The T.S.A.C. Chair recruits, trains, motivates, and plans for volunteers to take 12 Step calls form the District’s answering system.

2. Activity reports are to be made available at each District meeting.

3. The T.S.A.C. Chair maintains a current list of all volunteers with phone numbers and addresses and updates it as needed on a timely basis.

4. The T.S.A.C. Chair maintains the meeting schedule in the database, keeping all meeting information current and accurate.

5. The T.S.A.C. Chair has a knowledge of working with “wet” drunks especially regarding Chapter 2, 3, and 7 in the Big Book.

6. The T.S.A.C. Chair’s time requirement for this service work is approximately 1 hour per week.

Events Committee Chair

The EVENTS Committee Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 steps, and have an understanding of AA s 12 Traditions.

1. The EVENTS Committee Chair books meeting spaces for picnics, large events, etc.

2. The EVENTS Committee Chair arranges for room setup and cleanup, as well as arranges for coffee, donuts, food, etc. if requested.

3. The EVENTS Committee Chair handles publicity for all workshops, flyers, and announcements if requested.

4.The EVENTS Committee Chair sets up the calendar of events for the upcoming year and coordinates with the various Committee Chairpersons to have their materials ready well in advance for printing and publicity distributions.

5. The time required for the service work of this position is approximately 1 hour per week.

6. The EVENTS Chair coordinates with the DCM and other Districts for the annual DuPage Open.

Literature Committee Chair

The LITERATURE Committee Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, have worked the 12 Steps, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. The Literature Committee Chair coordinates the purchase of AA literature for District Needs.

2. The Literature Chair coordinates with the Treasurer to purchase the literature for the various service committees.

3. The Chair keeps abreast of any new literature available from GSO and communicates this information to the District.

Archives Committee Chair and Archivist

The ARCHIVES Committee Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 5 years of sobriety. The ARCHIVIST should have at least 10 years of sobriety with a strong interest in holding this position for an extended period of time. A good, general knowledge of AA’s history is suggested. The DISTRICT 43 ARCHIVES mission reflects the Archives guidelines of our General Service Office. The AA Archives Committee’s mission of service is to receive, classify and index all relevant material, including but not limited to, administrative files and records, correspondence, literary works and artifacts that are considered to have historical import to Alcoholics Anonymous. The Archives Committee mission also is to hold and preserve such material, making access possible, as determined by the present Archivist in consultation with the Archives Committee, to members of Alcoholics Anonymous, and to those of the public who may have a valid need to review said material, provided that such access is mindful to preserving the anonymity of our members.

1. The Archives Committee Chair and Alternate Chair will be rotating positions elected every 2 years.

2. The Archivist position is intended to be a longer term position to allow for a longer-range continuity in keeping an archives library. The position should be reviewed every 2 years so that the District body can amend if needed.

3. The Archives Committee will coordinate with the Archivist to determine which materials are best suited to be added to District Archives.

4. The Archivist will manage the storage of archived materials and pay rent where applicable.

5. The Archives Committee will work with the Treasurer in developing a budget for expenses and payment of any Committee costs, including storage if needed.

6. The Archives Committee will become familiar with the District Archives collection and will work within the guidelines of the Archives Workbook from GSO Archives.

7. The Archives Committee may be asked to display materials at District or Area events, and will be responsible for setting up displays, transporting materials, covering the display during the event, etc.

8. The Archives Committee will continue to develop ongoing projects, which include collecting group history forms and obtaining oral histories from individual AAs.

9. The Alternate Archivist is appointed with group approval and reviewed every two (2) years. The same job description as the Archivist. pertains.

Web Administrator

The WEBMASTER and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety and have a working knowledge of our 12 Traditions. The Webmaster should have a good working knowledge of computers and the internet. The position is intended to be longer term but should be reviewed every 2 years. The Webmaster will coordinate with the Groupvine Chair, DCM, Secretary, Events Chair, and District Committee Chairs. The previously adopted Mission Policy & Guidelines will serve as the guide for how our District website adheres to our Traditions.

Mission Policy District 43 will maintain an Internet website that will:

1. Provide the public information concerning the A.A. program of recovery.

  • Provide current information on A.A. groups, meetings, and events within the District.
  • Provide information pertinent to the operation of the District.

2. Guidelines: The information posted to the website will accord with the principles and Traditions of A.A., paying special attention to the following:

  • Anonymity – Full names of individuals; personal telephone numbers; full-face or identifiable photographs; personal postal and email address will not be displayed on the website. (Personal telephone numbers, without last names, may appear on event flyers posted to this site with the permission of the submitter.)
  • Affiliation – The district website shall not endorse or be affiliated in any manner with any outside organization and will provide links only to registered A.A. service entities.
  • Copyrights – All material posted to the district website will comply with international copyright law. Copyrighted material and registered trademarks will only be used with the permission of the copyright holder. When such material is used, the owner of the copyright or trademark will be acknowledged (e.g. Alcoholics Anonymous®, A.A.®. the Big Book® are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.; The Grapevine®, and AA Grapevine® are registered trademarks of The A.A. Grapevine, Inc.)

3. Content: In support of the Mission Policy, the content posted to the website will address each of the Mission Goals as follows:

  • Public Information on the AA program of recovery – The text of the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, and the A.A Preamble will be posted to the site. Additionally, links to A.A. World Services, the A.A. Grapevine, and other A.A. Service Entities will be provided. If available, resources in languages other than English will be posted.
  • Current Information on A.A. Groups, Meetings and Events within the District – Dated Schedules (both printable and display based) of the Meetings within the district will be posted. These postings will include the dates, locations, handicap access status, as well as whether the meetings are closed or open. Explanation of “closed” and “open” Meetings will be posted. If available, meeting information in languages other than English will be posted.
  • The District 43 Website keeps a calendar of events. Events that are hosted by District 43 or another Alcoholics Anonymous Service Entity or Group will be posted.
  • Recent copies of the District Newsletter will be posted.
  • Provide information pertinent to operation of the District – Any available documentation that provides explanations or guidelines as to how the District provides its Services will be posted. Such documentation may include: ◦ This document. ◦ Explanations of how the District Answering Service operates. ◦ Any District Service Positions that are available. ◦ Any documentation provided by District concerning its service operation or resources (e.g. Archive or Group History forms).

Technology Chair

The Technology Chair (T.C.) Chair and Alternate Chair should have at least 2 years of sobriety, currently be sponsored, and have an understanding of AA’s 12 Traditions.

1. Mission: The Technology Chair provides research, implementation, and support for merging technology into AA, working to spread the message without compromising AA traditions and anonymity.

2. Research and Connection

  • Continually research emerging trends in AA technology
  • Connect with national groups and local Webmaster for workshops/best practices and learning
  • Present new tech advances to D43 for potential implementation

3. Hybrid/Remote Meeting Assistance

  • Provide guidance on best hardware, software, and Wi-Fi setup
  • Provide support and instruction for virtual meetings (Muting participants, disable screen share for all except host, disable recording, waiting rooms, breakout rooms, et al)
  • Ensure safety via password protect, tips to manage and remove disruptive or unwanted participants, lock meetings, limited chat

4. Web based Speaker/Volunteer Enrollment

  • Set-up and manage web-based sign-up software (Google Forms) for large district events (Volunteers) and individual meeting speakers
  • Ensure anonymity is present for application

5. Other New Technology to Explore Provide space for online communication/chat for D43 members and YP (Discord) Create QR codes for use with 7th tradition, beginner welcome packs, meeting guide, and event flyers